zhaogang shu

Zhaogang Shu (舒兆港)

Ph.D | Associate Professor | Master's Supervisor
Director of Department of Computer science and Technology
Director of Cloud Computing Lab

English Biography


Address:College of Computer and Information, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (FAFU), Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China. 350002
Office Location: Building Tianjiabing C303A (田家炳楼C座303A,云计算实验室)
Email: zgshu@fafu.edu.cn or zhaogang.shu@gmail.com
Here is the link of my OCRID and Research Gate.

I am always looking for students who are intersting in my research fields, as well as hard-working and self-motivatioin. If you have any question or want to contact me, please don't hestate to send me email(zgshu@fafu.edu.cn) .

[Research Interests]


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Currently, I am extremely fortunate to collaborate with the following students:

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Here is the project list that I am in charge of since 2012:


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Here is the paper list that I authored or co-authored since 2015:


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Here is the patent list that I authored or co-authored:


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I wrote a professional book titled "Innovation Experiment Tutorial on Computer Network Technology" in 2023. The book was written in Chinese, and its Chinese info is as following:
舒兆港编著 《计算机网络创新实验教程》, 电子工业出版社,北京. 2023-01. ISSN:9787121449178.

You can go to the offcial website for this book to learn more about it.


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Last updated: April 23, 2024 22:32:30 | © by Zhaogang Shu
